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LED display classification

Time:2019-11-26 View:554

1. Indoor, outdoor and semi outdoor according to the use environment
The indoor screen area is generally less than 1 square meter to more than 10 square meters. The indoor LED display screen is used in the indoor environment. Such display screen has moderate brightness, large viewing angle, close color mixing distance, light weight and high density, which is suitable for close viewing.
The outdoor screen area generally ranges from a few square meters to dozens or even hundreds of square meters, the point density is relatively thin (mostly 2500-10000 points per square meter), the luminous brightness is 5500-8500cd / square meter (different orientation, different brightness requirements), and it can be used under the condition of direct sunlight. The viewing distance is more than tens of meters, and the screen body has good wind and rain resistance and lightning protection ability.
Half of the outdoor screen is between outdoor and indoor, with high luminous brightness, which can be used in non direct sunlight outdoor. The screen body has a certain seal, generally under the eaves or in the window.

2. It can be divided into single color, double base color and three base colors (full color)
Monochrome refers to the light-emitting material with only one color on the display screen, most of which are single red. It can also be used in some special occasions (such as funeral parlour).
The dual primary color LED display consists of red and green LED lights. The 256 level gray dual primary color display can display 65536 colors (the dual color display can display red, green and yellow colors).
Full color LED display consists of red, green and blue LED lights, which can display white balance and 16777216 colors.

3. Synchronous and asynchronous according to control or use mode
Synchronous mode means that the working mode of LED display screen is basically the same as that of computer monitor. It maps the computer image with the update rate of at least 30 fields / second corresponding to the real image on the monitor. It usually has the multi gray color display ability, which can achieve the advertising effect of Multimedia.
Asynchronous mode refers to the ability of LED screen to store and play automatically. The edited text and non gray pictures on PC are transferred to LED screen through serial port or other network interface, and then played off-line automatically by LED screen. Generally, there is no multi gray display ability, which is mainly used to display text information, and multi screen networking is available.

4. Divide by pixel density or pixel diameter
Because the LED dot matrix modules used in the home screen are relatively uniform in specifications, they are usually divided into ∮ 3.0mm 62500 pixels / m2 ∮ 3.75mm 44321 pixels / m2 ∮ 5.0mm 17222 pixels / m2 according to the pixel diameter of the modules
Indoor surface mount pixel points: p1.58 400689 points / m2, p1.9 277000 points / m2, p2.0 250000 points / m2, p2.5 160000 points / m2, P3 111111 points / m2, p462500 points / m2, p540000 points / m2, p627777 points / m2, p7.62 17222 points / m2, P8 15625 points / m2, P10 10000 points / m2
Pixel diameter and pixel number of outdoor screen: P10 10000 points / m2, p12.5 6400 points / m2, p16 3906 points / m2, P20 2500 points / m2, P25 1600 points / m2, p31.25 1024 points / m2

5. The display performance can be divided into
Video display: generally full color display
Text display: generally single primary color display
Graphic display screen: generally double primary color display screen
Market display: generally digital tube or single primary color display;

6. It can be divided into
LED digital display screen: the display device is a 7-segment code digital tube, which is suitable for making time clock screen, interest rate screen, etc. and displaying digital electronic display screen.
LED dot matrix graphic display screen: the display device is a dot matrix display module composed of many evenly arranged light-emitting diodes, which is suitable for playing text and image information.
LED video display: the display device is composed of many light-emitting diodes, which can display video, animation and other video files.
Conventional LED display: steel structure is used to fix the display in one position. The main common ones are outdoor large single column LED advertising screen, and the single and double color LED display screens installed on the walls of the station to play the train number information.
Rental LED display screen: in the design, the R & D department considers that the screen is often used for installation and disassembly, so the left and right boxes are connected with quick lock with positioning function, with accurate positioning, and the whole box installation is completed within 10 seconds. Rental screens are mainly used for stage performances, wedding venues and large spring festival galas.

7. According to the development direction, it can be divided into
"Advertising media display screen" has been widely used: single and double color display screen at the front of the door, full color display screen on the surface of the square building, mainly for advertising;
The "industrial indicator display" is quietly rising: it provides plcdcs and other distributed control systems with auxiliary display screens, such as speed, flow, temperature, pressure, etc.
